Merlin Incerti-Medici
Universität Wien
Fakultät für Mathematik
1090 Wien
Mail: firstname.secondpartoflastname magic-a
About me
I'm a PostDoc at Universität Wien. I did my PhD at Universität Zürich under the supervision of Viktor Schroeder. My mathematical interests, broadly speaking, include asymptotic geometry, geometric group theory, CAT(0) cube complexes, and non-positively curved manifolds.
Some central themes of my current and recent work are the geometry of codimension one subgroups, isometry groups of CAT(0) cube complexes, and properties of (sublinearly) Morse boundaries. The first topic concerns itself with spaces that contain quasi-convex, codimension one subgroups and asks about rigidity phenomena of the ambient space relative to these subgroups. The second project is about a systematic understanding of the isometry groups of certain CAT(0) cube complexes as totally disconnected, locally compact groups. The last subject is about understanding boundaries in a non-hyperbolic setting and is specifically concerned with questions of invariance and asymptotic features of largest acylindrical actions.
Publications and Preprints
Alexander von Humboldt, der Weltvernetzer
In collaboration with Life Science Communication AG, I organised a mobile exhibition in honour of the 250. birthday of Alexander von Humboldt in 2019. Humboldt was one of the most influential and well-known scientists of his time and his work on people and nature is not only integrated into how we think about nature but also highly relevant for modern research (most notably for climate science).
Humboldt cared a lot about the accessibility of science to the general public. In this spirit, the exhibition aims to provide an entry point for curious explorers of all ages to see science in a way they may not have known before.
More information can be found here. The pictures belong to Life Science Communication AG.